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Foot Core Training to Prevent Running-Related Injuries

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Foot Core Training to Prevent Running-Related Injuries: A Survival Analysis of a Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial
    Ulisses T. Taddei, PhD, PT, Alessandra B. Matias, MSc, PT, Marcos Duarte, PhD, ...
    The American Journal of Sports Medicine November 6, 2020
  2. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  3. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    A very interesting paper from Taddei et al particularly in light of the work done over the last 20 years or so by Sue Mayers with Australian Ballet . Here is part of the Taddei conclusion :

    Recreational runners randomized to the new foot core strengthening protocol had a 2.42-fold lower rate of RRIs compared with the control group.

    So what has Sue Mayers go to do with the present study ? Well ,using intrinsic foot muscle strengthening exercises and calf raises ,she has greatly reduced injury rates among members of the Australian Ballet .
    You could say that the Taddei paper has given emphatic , empirical backing to Mayers long held subjective observations .
  4. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    Here is some information on Sue Mayer which might be of use if you are interested in injury prevention ;

    Susan Mayes is a physiotherapist who heads up a medical team which has drastically cut the number of injuries among the members of the Australia Ballet group . Their methods have been have been noted by the global ballet community and in one instance ,a prominent dancer from the US was given his career back by their treatment .
    Among a number of other measures , Mayes focuses on the strength of the calf musculature and the strength of the intrinsic foot muscles , and dancers do supplementary exercises in these areas . That's worth noting ; athletes who are dancing for many hours a day , often explosively and in minimal shoes ,benefit from targeted intrinsic muscles training which seems to help prevent injury .

    This is one factor that puts Mayes years ahead of researchers who believe that training in minimal shoes will strengthen the intrinsics and lead to injury reduction . She found that even among dancers trained from an early age ,insufficiently strong intrinsics and minimal shoes can lead to injury . Specific strengthening seems to be required through exercises such as doming .

    .From a recent article in The Australian from an article titled "Is this Elite sports top physio " by Emma Sandall , around Dr Sue Mayers and her work with the Australian Ballet .

    "Mayes also emphasises the importance of strengthening the calf and intrinsic muscles in the foot for all athletes. One study has shown that the foot can generate 17 per cent of power through the body.
    “If you don’t pay attention to strengthening it, you can waste all that potential power,” says Mayes. “Not to mention its potential for injury prevention and management.”
    End quote

    Put simply Mayes seems to be better at prehab and rehab than anyone else when it comes to the foot and ankle .The results looked at over about 20 years ,with 180 professional athletes/dancers , bear that out .

    It's all in the feet: Intrinsic foot strength in dancers | Dance ...
    www.dancewriter.com.au › health › its-all-in-the-feet-in...
    4 Sep 2019 - Grouped together, they are called the 'Intrinsic muscles', named because their origin and insertion is within the foot. They work specifically across ...
  5. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    So what sort of exercise protocol did Taddei et al use ?

    Well ,it's an extensive set of exercises , probably because of the difficulty that strengthening the foot intrinsics presents.
    The authors will no doubt be aware of the possibility of targeting all of the relevant muscles with a single exercise (see Bruening et all 2019 ,figure c ) and this might cut any exercise program down to 10 mins x2 a week .

    Going back to Mayes and Australian Ballet it should be noted that specific targeted foot exercises are likely to be carried out more diligently by professional dancers than by recreational runners .

    Also worth considering is the following .
    Mayes's methods over the last 20 years will have been very much judged on results .
    It doesn't matter if she has great patter , a string of letters after her name or even if she is married to the company director or the Australian Prime Minister .If what she does doesn't work ,out she goes . Injuries cost money and the bean counters see only the figures .

    Clearly ,to have lasted so long in one place in what could be called professional athletics ,she must be doing things better than possible replacements .

    If you are involved in prehab/rehab with athletes , why are you not doing what Mayes does ?

    Bruening et al link
  6. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    Re the Taddei paper ,an injury reduction rate of 50% just by strengthening the feet sounds unlikely . However , the paper linked to below by Farris et al 2019 ,demonstrates that without properly functioning intrinsic foot muscles, push-off is impaired in both walking and running , necessitating altered gait strategy with obvious and significant knock-on effects throughout the lower body .
    Over time it seems quite possible that the biomechanical changes in gait caused by intrinsic weakness /early fatigue might lead to RRI .

    The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal ...

    www.pnas.org › content

    17 Jan 2019 — The Nerve Block. Measurement of the peak-to-peak M-wave response of the flexor digitorum brevis (FDB; Fig. ... Foot power was calculated as per Takahashi et al. (28) and ... Kelly LA,; Farris DJ,; Lichtwark GA,; Cresswell AG.
    by DJ Farris · ‎2019 · ‎Cited by 52 · ‎Related articles
  7. NewsBot

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    Subgroups of Foot-Ankle Movement Patterns Can Influence the Responsiveness to a Foot-Core Exercise Program: A Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
    Ricky Watari et al
    Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2021 Jun 8
  8. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    Another paper suggesting that for some, foot strengthening can help reduce knee pain and even lead to strengthening of the hip musculature .
    Short foot exercises have additional effects on knee pain, foot biomechanics, and lower extremity muscle strength in patients with patellofemoral pain


    Background: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common knee problem. The foot posture in a relaxed stance is reported as a distal factor of PFP. However, the effects of short foot exercise (SFE) on the knee and functional factors have not yet been investigated in patients with PFP.
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the additional effects of SFE on knee pain, foot biomechanics, and lower extremity muscle strength in patients with PFP following a standard exercise program.
    Methods: Thirty patients with a 'weak and pronated' foot subgroup of PFP were randomized into a control group (ConG, n= 15) and a short foot exercise group (SFEG, n= 15) with concealed allocation and blinded to the group assignment. The program of ConG consisted of hip and knee strengthening and stretching exercises. SFEG program consisted of additional SFE. Both groups performed the supervised training protocol two times per week for 6 weeks. Assessment measures were pain visual analog scale (pVAS), Kujala Patellofemoral Score (KPS), navicular drop test (NDT), rearfoot angle (RA), foot posture index (FPI), and strength tests of the lower extremity muscles.
    Results: Both groups displayed decreases in pVAS scores, but it was only significant in favor of SFEG. NDT, RA, and FPI scores decreased in SFEG whereas they increased in ConG. There was a significant group-by-time interaction effect in hip extensor strength and between-group difference was found to be significantly in favor of SFEG.

    Conclusions: An intervention program consisting of additional SFE had positive effects on knee pain, navicular position, and rearfoot posture. An increase in the strength of the hip extensors may also be associated with improved stabilization by SFE.

    Patellofemoral pain; foot core; foot posture; short foot exercises.
  9. NewsBot

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    Predictive Effect of Well-Known Risk Factors and Foot-Core Training in Lower Limb Running-Related Injuries in Recreational Runners: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
    Eneida Yuri Suda et al
    Am J Sports Med. 2021 Nov 17
  10. NewsBot

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    Effects of Foot-Core Training on Foot-Ankle Kinematics and Running Kinetics in Runners: Secondary Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial
    Alessandra B. Matias et al
    Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 14 April 2022
  11. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Hip and core exercise programme prevents running-related overuse injuries in adult novice recreational runners: a three-arm randomised controlled trial (Run RCT)
    Mari Leppänen et al
  12. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    Good grief .

    Fatigue of the Intrinsic Foot Core Muscles Had a Greater Effect on Gait than Extrinsic Foot Core Muscles: A Time-Series Based Analyze

    18 Pages Posted: 3 Mar 2023
    Hilal Keklicek

    Trakya Unversity
    Halit Selçuk

    Trakya Unversity
    Ali Yılmaz

    Trakya University

    Background: The Heel Rise endurance (HRE) which indicates the extrinsic foot core (ECO) muscle’s performance and the paper grip endurance (PGE) which indicates the intrinsic foot core (ICO) muscle's performance are essential components of a healthy foot function. However, the foot core muscles’ fatigue response on spatial and temporal gait parameters after the HRE and the PGE tests were not adequately investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the fatigue of the ICO and the ECO muscles affect gait parameters.

    Material and Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted on 22 sedentary individuals (44 feet). Gait was investigated pre and after the Heel Rise (HR) endurance test and the paper grip (PG) endurance test by inertial sensors. At least 500 consecutive steps were collected for each individual. Spatial-temporal gait parameters were used as outcome measures.

    Results: ECO fatigue and ICO fatigue led to increases in the step length (p<0.05) and the stride lengths (p<0.05), the single support (p<0.05), and the terminal stance durations (p<0.05). It was also seen that ICO fatigue had a greater effect on gait than ECO fatigue. The ECO fatigue had a medium to large effect on the gait parameters (d=0.313-0.646). The ICO fatigue affected gait with a large effect (d=0.524-2.048).

    Conclusion: The ECO fatigue and the ICO fatigue led to clinically important changes in long-range gait parameters and the ICO fatigue had a greater effect on gait than ECO fatigue. It was suggested that clinicians add ICO muscle endurance training to improve the physical performance of individuals.
  13. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    From this paper -
    "Thus, a possible implication of our findings could be that the prerunning ankle and foot focused training without any other LE strength or stretching exercises is not recommended, especially before running training including sprints as this type of training may increase the risk of acute muscle injuries in these activities."

    Given what is already known about the detrimental effects pre fatiguing the foot core muscles has on static and dynamic foot function, I am at a loss as to why this research group thought fatiguing these muscles immediately before going for a run would prevent injuries. I would have thought that if anything this would have increase injury risk : Which it seems to have done.

    In the quote highlighted above, the group seem to me to be saying -don't weaken your feet via fatiguing exercises before taxing runs or you might increase injury risk.
    The exercise that might have caused the problems could be inversion against increasing resistance. IMO the intrinsic foot muscles exercise program included by the researchers would have strengthened nothing since there is no progression. Introduced fatigue and reduced function perhaps, but strengthening, no.

    If you knew you were about to hang off a cliff with one hand at some point in the immediate future ,would you spend 20 minutes doing hand griper exercises to exhaustion, just before you dangled .(Think rock climbers)
  14. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    Taddei et al 2020 found that a foot core strengthening program reduced running related injuries by 50% compared to a control group. Key in their findings, IMO, was that the protective effect of the foot core exercises was related to injuries proximal to the ankle joint, specifically in the knee and thigh. Indeed, almost the entire variance between the two groups concerned injuries to these areas and not the foot.

    I believe that the Leppanen paper backs up the findings of Taddei, but does so by demonstrating that weakening the foot core immediately before running, by fatiguing exercises design to be close to those used by Taddei, can increase acute injuries in the proximal leg.

    From Leppanen -
    "In our study, we also noticed the incidence of acute injuries, specifically muscle strains, was significantly higher in the ankle and foot group compared with control group. As the number of acute foot and ankle injuries did not differ from the control group, the fatigue induced by the ankle and foot strength training is not likely to explain the higher rate of acute injuries. As a clear difference was observed in the incidence of calf and thigh muscle injuries, it can be hypothesised that ankle focused training alone does not prepare the large muscles of the LE for high-speed running where muscle injuries mainly occurred. Thus, a possible implication of our findings could be that the prerunning ankle and foot focused training without any other LE strength or stretching exercises is not recommended, especially before running training including sprints as this type of training may increase the risk of acute muscle injuries in these activities."

    Problem with this paragraph

    1 As the number of acute foot and ankle injuries did not differ from the control group, the fatigue induced by the ankle and foot strength training is not likely to explain the higher rate of acute injuries.

    Taddei et al found that the protective effect of foot core training related to injuries proximal to the foot and ankle and not to the foot and ankle itself . Based on Taddei , there is no reason to expect an increase in foot ankle injuries in runners who have prefatigued the foot core and no justification for the concluding that " the fatigue induced by the ankle and foot strength training is not likely to explain the higher rate of acute injuries " . Actually, it fits very well as an explanation, when the injury patterns in Taddei et al are considered .

    To have a protective effect, foot strengthening exercises should be not be done immediately before taxing running sessions.

    Mechanism ?Look no further than , Welte et al ,arch recoil, or lack thereof .
  15. scotfoot

    scotfoot Well-Known Member

    From Leppanen et al
    "Thus, a possible implication of our findings could be that the prerunning ankle and foot focused training without any other LE strength or stretching exercises is not recommended, especially before running training including sprints as this type of training may increase the risk of acute muscle injuries in these activities."

    Why "without any any other LE strength or stretching exercises" ? There is nothing in the paper that justifies this sentence as written.
    Instead I feel the sentence should read,
    "Thus, a possible implication of our findings could be that the prerunning ankle and foot focused training is not recommended before running training including sprints as this type of training may increase the risk of acute muscle injuries in these activities."

    Or " pre fatiguing the foot core muscles before running or sprinting is not a good idea as these muscles are vital to gait. "

    There are a number of papers that make this point very well .

    I wonder ; if an older person switches from their usual shoes to a more intrinsic muscle taxing pair, is there a period of time when falls are more likely since the intrinsics are more fatigued. Sure, eventually the intrinsics will strengthen to cope with the increased load but what about the adjustment period.

    So strengthen then switch ? As for an immediate switch to running in minimal shoes ..........!

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